Monday, August 20, 2007

All About Carter

Carter is growing up so nicely. He seriously is a different boy than he was just 2 months ago. He's not QUITE so attached to my leg anymore, and is happy to play by himself for a while.

Daddy is teaching him how to pretend and role play with his army guys. They jump and spin and crash and slide and even FLY! Daddy is much better at this than mommy is. Mommy is much better at reading books, cutting apples, and changing diapers.

Funny how that works.

Isabelle is getting bigger and bigger. And the bigger she gets, the funnier she thinks her brother is. She watches him play and laughs at him all day long.

And, Carter loves to takes care of her.
I just love the person he is becoming. Ever since he turned 2, it's like the flood gates of words have burst.

He asks for 'ahh wader' = more water
he tells me when he goes 'pee pee',
he yells at Simon to stop barking = 'mee-mee, top', no-no',
he tells me Isabelle wants more = mowa
he likes his "guys",
and his "cars",
and loves to "jump!jump!jump!"
He loves "crackers" and "jush" = juice
and his shoes and downstairs and outside.
He wakes daddy up from naps "daddy, wk ip",
and "daddy, eeeeet!" when its time to eat dinner.
And he likes to try to count on his fingers, understands 1-2-3, and can sing the ABC's from A to G.
He says bye!
and bump-a (grandpa),
and nite-nite,
and sssshhhh!
and he loves his sister bell-bell,
and nee-nee (auntie 'lyn-dee').
He can say the names of his friends at daycare, and can even tell secrets. (compliments of Mel at daycare)
He also loves to do the "deesh" dishes,
and always wants a handful of 'bah-boos" = bubbles
(And I am completely intrigued by this, but I know that's probably enough.)

I'm so excited to watch him grow!!!!

From 3lbs 12oz, to 30lbs today, he amazes me every single day!!!

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