Saturday, December 22, 2007

Just another Nutshell

we are in the middle of a snowstorm as i type.

carter is sick with a fever, a nose that runs like a faucet, and a horrible cough.

we set up his 'big-boy-bed' earlier this week, and he hasn't gotten out of it at bedtime yet. *knock on wood*

he thinks its pretty cool.

isabelle is about to turn 1, and i just cant believe it. soon, i wont have a baby anymore!!

she has 3 teeth on the bottom, and a top one just pokin through.

she doesn't crawl, rather, she scoots and

she rolls twice over to get to where she's goin without even stoppin.

many kids are walking by 11 & 1/2 months, but isabelle doesn't even children have always been late bloomers....early out of the womb, and late to get hair, teeth, to roll over, sit, pull up, crawl and walk.

isabelle is just such a little darling.

carter is the one that makes me pull my hair out......

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