Wednesday, July 11, 2007

...and bears, OH MY!

My mom lives in Minnesota, just across the river from us here in Wisconsin, and they had a black bear in their back yard early this morning at 4:30am. Needless to say he returned this evening at 10pm to finish up any left over bird seed that he may have missed. According to my mom, the bear crushed ALL her bird feeders, and bent one of the iron feeder poles all the way down to the ground. She brought in all the rest of the feeders, but the bear hasn't forgotten!!! After lounging in her back yard tonight, 3 police officers and the DNR (and ALL the neighbors) went over to get a look. They turned on the light in the back yard, and the police officers were shinning their bright lights at the bear, who didn't mind at all. Then the bear got up and took a drink out of the little pond that sits not even 5 feet from the screen porch..where everyone was standing watching!!!! One of the police officers got a little spooked and latched the hook on the screen door. My step-dad chuckled and delivered the unfortunate news that the little hook isn't any stronger than the screen that lies between them and the bear. Unafraid of human voices, and obviously lights, the bear hung out for a solid hour.....heck, who needs the zoo?!?!?!?!? I'm afraid the bear will be back for more, and there is still the garden and the compost that he hasn't made a mess of yet. YIKES!
They have gotten quite the attention from local media. The t.v. stations have gone over to interview them, and took footage of their back yard, etc.
I'd say this has to be one of the biggest events of the year!!! (Next to Carters birthday, of course.)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Lions and Tigers and BEARS! Oh My!