Saturday, July 28, 2007


Today, Patches came to live with us. Patches has lived at grandma Diane's house for at least 3 years now, and started complaining about the heat in the attic. I mean really, what horse do you know likes to live in the attic all summer long??? So I said "well, I suppose Patches can come stay with us for a while. We'll see how the kids and the dog do with a horse running around."

So, this morning Grandpa Greg brought Patches over in the back of the pickup truck. As of now, everything seems to be fine. At first though, this was NOT the case. Carter was scared to death of Patches, although Patches had done nothing wrong. So, we stayed very far away from Patches for the entire morning. Then later we gave patches a bath, and fixed her matted mane (basically just took it off and threw it away). It was very scratchy and black and dirty hair. I explained to Carter that horses can't comb their own hair, and having lived in the attic for so long, she needed our help. But now she's all fixed up and looks so much better.
Later after his nap Carter did decide to touch Patches' nose as he walked past her. And then he poked her eyes. But still, he didn't want to be too close, for too long. Horses can be unpredictable, you know. And all afternoon long I would catch Patches staring at me. It really was starting to freak me out, that it always felt like someone was watching me, and I'd look up at Patches, this giant horse in my living room, and she was ALWAYS looking at me.....and she won't stop. Whatever. She's a horse.

Grandma Diane came to visit, and plopped Isabelle right on Patches' back. Carter saw this and the fear of Patches was gone....forever. Now, they are like two peas in a pod. Carter has even managed to bump his head a few times on Patches' head, and fall off a few times. But all in all, they are still good friends.

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