Monday, July 9, 2007

Ever Evolving

Isabelle has become a completely different person in the last 3 days. Over the weekend, she discovered that she has a voice, and can use it. So she's been squawkin up a storm. I think it's so funny the way she goes on and on and on. She rolls on the floor side to side, back and forth. Sooner or later she'll roll herself onto her tummy and get stuck...and get mad. She can hold her toys and put them into her mouth, and she really gets excited about them too. The weird part about all of this, is that I think its absolutely amazing because she's MY little girl. To everyone else, this is just a VERY boring post. But it's almost like I understand her, and all her milestones, and I can relate with her as she squawks, plays, and cries. I know what she's thinking, and it's SO COOL to just know what she needs, and to be able to give her what she needs.

Carter, like Isabelle, had some new experiences this weekend. One of which was Play-dough. Do you have any idea how many years its been since I'VE touched Play-Dough???? I think it was fun for BOTH Carter and I. Although, I got disappointed when it only lasted 15 minutes. I spent some time showing him how the shape cutter worked, and the spaghetti press, and the rolling pin...and in the end, he just got mad that he couldn't do it very well himself. I was hoping for hours of Play-Dough fun..instead I got 15 minutes and a frustrated toddler in the end.

But, make no mistake, there are may other things that Carter loves to do. Like the dishes. Bubbles are his new thing, and apparently bubbles on his head are even better. What is with this kid and putting EVERYTHING on his head?????

And you know he put ALL those stickers on his head by himself.
With NO help from ANYONE else...that's right.
And while Carter is busy flooding my kitchen, Isabelle enjoyed her saucer for the first time. Since as of a few days ago, she is reaching for and grabbing onto her toys, she found the saucer entertaining for quite a while, which is, of course, music to my ears. And a toy that my children like to play with, is always well worth the investment. So hats off to Grandma Kay for a purchase well chosen!!! And thank you! The saucer has been great for Carter and now, Isabelle too.

And then there's the bouncy chair. Love this item as well. This evening as I fed Isabelle her rice cereal, which she LOVES, she sat on the floor in the bouncy chair. She gobbled it up in no time, and had a cute but messy face. "What a perfect shot of a rice-cereal-milestone for her", is what I was thinking. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a washcloth (for after the pic), and the camera, and returned to the living room where I found my messy-faced baby not so messy-faced anymore.

I was stumped for a second....

Until I noticed Simon cleaning up her hands. And her face. And her shirt.

So much for that Kodak moment...

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