Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

What a nice morning...

Jer let me sleep in for an extra hour, made me breakfast, what ever i wanted. He made my favorite, french toast. he even brought me my coffee while i was feeding isabelle, and gave me a card. in the card was this wonderful picture of my children. then i even got a gift!!!! he bought us microsoft windows 2007, which is about friggen time. we've been needing it for a while now.
But that's not the best part of today. jer is actually at home. Usually he is working on the weekends and the zoo is left for me to manage. his help is wonderful. we can actually enjoy spending time with each other. For a few days out of the week we actually function like real families. the rest of the time there is no time to do anything but eat, clean, and go to bed.
Today i will visit my mother, who is having a mothers day lunch for our family. when carter wakes from his nap we will go there.
Mother's day rules!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Welcome to Blogger and know that I will be checking up on you, yes Mam! ;)

What a beautiful picture of your babes! I hope your Mothers Day was wonderful. Mine invloved coffee and shopping for summer dresses (alone! ha!).